• The SenseCube division supplies high-reliability industrial sensors.
• The FarmsCube division provides KS-standard smart farm systems.
• The ScienceCube division offers STEM science education experiment equipment.
Korea Digital Co., Ltd. is committed to upholding its promise as a 'Company of Trust,'
aiming to ensure customer satisfaction, investor confidence, and strong mutual trust and
cooperation among team members. Through transparent and honest management, we
strive to be a company that everyone can believe in.
As a 'Company of Hope,' Korea Digital Co., Ltd. is dedicated to leading global technology
through sincere and continuous research and development, inspiring even small
companies with a vision of possibility. Our efforts seek to open new horizons in
technological advancement and contribute to solving the global food crisis in the 21st
century through our smart farm business.
Furthermore, as a 'Company of Love,' Korea Digital Co., Ltd. returns profits to
society to bring dreams and hope to our neighbors. We aspire to be a company that employees
take pride in and are cherished by their families.
Korea Digital Co., Ltd. will continue to realize the values of 'Faith, Hope, and Love'
through honest and transparent business practices and superior technology. We kindly
ask for your ongoing interest and support in our journey. Together, we can turn our
shared dreams into reality.
1 | Korea Digital Co., Ltd. Toward becoming the world's best in a specific area of sensor utilization. |
20 | Korea Digital Co., Ltd. We have been manufacturing various sensors and sensor application products for about 20 years since our establishment in 1997. We are a company with experience in development and commercialization. |
40 | Korea Digital Co., Ltd. Currently, we export our products to over 40 countries. |
50 | Korea Digital Co., Ltd. It is a small company with about 50 employees. We dream of a strong small company. |
200 | Korea Digital Co., Ltd. We are aiming for sales of 20 billion won in 2024. |
300 | Korea Digital Co., Ltd. Various sensing elements from each field are reflected in the design. Experience with sensing elements, more than 200 types, about more than 300 types of sensors. We company that conducts research and reflects it in its products. |
Korea Digital Co., Ltd.#804, Ace Twin Tower2, 273 Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, south Korea / Tel : +82-2-2109-8877 / Fax : +82-2-2109-8878
SCIENCECUBE Tel : +82-2-2109-8880, Fax : +82-2-2109-8881
SENSECBUE Tel : +82-2-2109-8838, Fax : +82-2-2109-8884
FARMSCUBE Tel : +82-2-2109-8877(Extension 203), Fax : +82-2-2109-8884
ⓒ2025 KOREA DIGITAL. All rights reserved.