Category | Code | 제품명 | Discription | Measurement Range | Resolution | Accuracy (Whichever is greater) | Power Consumption | OUTPUT PORT |
Voltage | WL101V | 무선 전압센서 | Wireless Voltage | -15.0 ~ +15.0V | 0.002 V (0.001 V) | ±10mV (Max. ±30mV) | 0.55W (5V, 110mA) |
Bluetooth 5.0+2.1, USB |
KDS-1009 | 전압 센서 | Differential Voltage Probe | ±12.0V | 0.0073 V | FS ±0.05V or (0.5% of reading) | 17 ㎃ | Analog Vout | |
QUSB-1009 | 전압 센서 | Quick Differential Voltage Probe | ±12.0V | 0.0073 V | FS ±0.1V or (Reading ±1.0%) | Digital USB | ||
Z60A | 전압 | Voltage | -15.0 ~ + 15.0V | Digital I2C | ||||
Z60F | 전압 | Voltage | -15.0 ~ + 15.0V | Digital I2C | ||||
Current | WL102C | 무선 전류센서 | Wireless Current | -3.0 ~ +3.0A | 0.001A | ±10mA (Max ±30mA) | 0.55W (5V, 110mA) |
Bluetooth 5.0+2.1, USB |
KDS-1010 | 전류 센서 | Current Probe | ±1.2A | 0.0006 A | FS ±0.01A or (1% of reading) | 20 ㎃ | Analog Vout | |
KDS-1010E | 전류 센서(10A) | 10A Current Probe | ±10A | 0.006 A | FS ±0.1A or (1% of reading) | 20 ㎃ | Analog Vout | |
QUSB-1010 | 전류 센서 | Quick Current Probe | ±1.2A | 0.0006 A | FS ±0.01A or (Reading ±1.0%) | Digital USB | ||
Z61A | 전류 | Current | -3.0A ~ +3.0A | Digital I2C | ||||
Z61F | 전류 | Current | -3.0A ~ +3.0A | Digital I2C | ||||
Magnetic | WL108MG | 무선 자기장 | Wireless 3-axis Magnetic Field | XYZ ±50 G/ ±2,000 G | 0.01G / 1G | Bluetooth 5.0+2.1, USB | ||
KDS-1007 | 자기 센서 | Magnetic Field Sensor | ±50 G (±5 mT) | 0.0244 G | FS ±1.0G or (2% of reading) | 40 ㎃ | Analog Vout | |
KDS-1063 | 자기 센서 II | Magnetic Field Sensor II | ±50 G (±5 mT) | 0.0244 G | FS ±1.0G or (Reading ±2.0%) | 45 ㎃ | Analog Vout | |
QUSB-1007 | 자기 센서 | Quick Magnetic Field | ±50 G (±5 mT) | 0.0244 G | FS ±1.0G or (Reading ±2.0%) | Digital USB | ||
QUSB-1063 | 자기 센서 II | Magnetic Field Sensor II | ±50 G (±5 mT) | 0.0244 G | FS ±1.0G or (Reading ±2.0%) | Digital USB | ||
C64A | 자기장 | Magnetic Field | -500 ~ 500 G | Digital I2C | ||||
Z64B | 자기장(B) | Magnetic Field(B) | -1000 ~ +3000 G | Digital I2C | ||||
Gavalnic | WL109GV | 무선 검류 | Wireless Galvanometer | 0.12/1.2/12 mA | 0.001 ㎃ | 0.55W (5V, 110mA) |
Bluetooth 5.0+2.1, USB | |
KDS-1035 | 검류 센서 | Galvanometer | ±12.5 / ±1.25 /±0.125 ㎂ | 6/0.6/0.06 ㎂ | FS ±125/12.5/2.5㎂ or (Reading ±1.0/2.0%) | 37 ㎃ | Analog Vout | |
Z62A | 검류 | Galvanometer | -12.5mA ~ +12.5mA | Digital I2C | ||||
Z62F | 검류 | Galvanometer | -12.5mA ~ +12.5mA | Digital I2C | ||||
EMF | KDS-1058 | 전계측정기 | Electric Field Meter | 0 ~ 1999 | 1 V/m | Reading ±3.0% | LCD | |
KDS-1059 | 자계측정기 | Magnetic Field Meter | 0 ~ 1999 | 0.1 or 1 mG | Reading ±3.0% | LCD | ||
Oscillation | KDS-1068 | 오실로스코프 센서 | Oscilloscope Probe | ±10/±100 V | FS ±0.5/5V or (Reading ±5.0%) | 15 ㎃ | Analog Vout | |
K65A | 오실로스코프단자 | Oscilloscope Probe | -10 ~ +10V | Digital I2C | ||||
Charge | WL127Q | 무선검전 | Wireless Electrostatic Charge | ±5 nC/±20 nC/±100 nC | 0.003 nC/0.01 nC/0.05 nC | - | 0.65W (5V, 130mA) |
Bluetooth 5.0+2.1, USB |
KDS-1078 | 검전센서 | Charge Sensor | ±0.5V/±2V/±10V | Analog Vout | ||||
Control | KDS-1026 | 디지털제어 | Digital control unit | 200 ㎃ | Digital | |||
Interfacing | KDS-1050 | 센서 아답터 | Sensor Adaptor | 0 ~ 5V | 0.0012 V | 3 ㎃ | Analog Vout |
Korea Digital Co., Ltd.#804, Ace Twin Tower2, 273 Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, south Korea / Tel : +82-2-2109-8877 / Fax : +82-2-2109-8878
SCIENCECUBE Tel : +82-2-2109-8880, Fax : +82-2-2109-8881
SENSECBUE Tel : +82-2-2109-8838, Fax : +82-2-2109-8884
FARMSCUBE Tel : +82-2-2109-8877(Extension 203), Fax : +82-2-2109-8884
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